
Update: Piccozzi's is now out of gasoline

AMBROSE CLANCY PHOTO | A “no gas” sign appeared at Piccozzi’s on Tuesday.

Piccozzi’s Service Station on Shelter Island posted signs Tuesday that it had run out of fuel, making the Island just another Long Island community with no easy access to gasoline.

Piccozzi’s had continued to pump fuel as soon as it had electrical power after the storm last week. Lines were long for a while but by Monday the lines were rarely more than a few cars.

But on Tuesday that supply was gone.

Governor Cuomo and other officials have said the New York-New Jersey regional gasoline squeeze should be ending this week as closed stations reopen and interrupted supply lines become functional again.

The Island’s only other service station, O’s market, ran out on Thursday morning after the storm.

Piccozzi’s had a line extending up Route 114 and along Winthrop Road last Thursday. The wait was about 45 minutes, according to drivers. Shelter Island Police were directing traffic and drivers were patient with the wait.

Sales were limited to $50 a driver, cash only. George Hoffmann of Piccozzi’s said he had no idea when he’d receive a new supply of gasoline.