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Flanders offers tips for beating the heat this summer


With winter ending and spring arriving, Long Island residents will soon face that humid, sweltering heat that comes with every summer season.

But this summer you don’t have to be miserable in the heat.

Flanders Heating and Air Conditioning has a number of tips and products to help anyone survive this upcoming season.

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Whole House Fans

These fans help cool off your home by pulling cold air throughout your home and exhausting the warm air through your attic. The fans are most effective when operated at night, when the air outside is cooler than the air inside your home.

Setting Your Thermostat Appropriately

Do not set your thermostat at a colder temperature setting than normal when you turn on your air conditioning. Setting it colder, will not cool your home any faster and can result in excessive cooling and also unnecessary expense.
Even though we all love our homes feeling like the inside of a refrigerator, you should set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible. The less difference between the indoor and outdoor temperature, the lower your overall cooling bill will be.

Indoor Fans

Consider ceiling fans to spread the cooled air more effectively through your home without greatly increasing your power use. Also set your fan speeds — whether ceiling or on the floor — on high speed, except when it’s very humid. When it is humid set the fan speed on low and you will get better cooling.

Keep Your AC Unit In The Shade

You will use 10 percent less electricity if you place your air conditioning unit in the shade rather than the sun. You can also plant trees or shrubs to shade the unit, just make sure they do not block airflow.

Install Ductless Air Conditioning

One of the most popular methods for cooling, ductless air conditioners are for people who are unable to have a traditional cooling system in their home because they have no area to put ductwork.
These air conditioners use small wall hung, ceiling mounted or floor mounted indoor units connected to an outside air conditioning unit to bring cool air to each room in your home. Wherever there is an indoor unit, you have complete control of the temperature in that room using a digital remote control. Ductless air conditioners are easy to install and are also energy efficient.

These tips and products are helpful for any resident looking to stay cool this summer. You will not only find that your home is cooler, but you will save money and energy in trying to lower the temperature in your home.  Cooling your home doesn’t have to be expensive or a lot of work.

Flanders Heating and Air Conditioning can provide you with the service and advice to beat that summer heat this upcoming season.