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School construction projects under way


It’s been more than two years since the Shelter Island School’s heating system broke down, requiring round the clock attention for months from the maintenance team and two years since voters approved a $1.6 million bond to replace the aged system and make other building repairs.In that same period, Johnson Controls has stepped in with a performance contract aimed at saving the district as much or more in energy costs than it will take to make changes to the building.

Work is finally under way, Superintendent Leonard Skuggevik told the Board of Education Monday night.

In April, a construction crew started work on brick repointing and replacement of some loose bricks. That work is about 75 percent done, Mr. Skuggevik reported.

An electrical contractor has started running new wring in the building and demolition of the old boilers is set for this month, he said.

Johnson Controls has placed films on windows meant to keep heat in during winter months and hot sun out during the warm months.

Work will continue through the summer months, the superintendent said.

Policy adoption

The Board of Education adopted revised policies related to:

• How the district handles investment of money not being immediately used to pay bills

• Conduct of the grievance system for employees

• Student suspensions

• Equal Educational Opportunities

The new policies appear on the district’s website and Monday night represented a second reading of the changes in those policies that gave the public time to suggest any changes that might be considered by the board prior to adoption.

Top of the Class

This year’s valedictorian is Peter Kropf and Kelly Colligan is the class salutatorian. Both students achieved very high grade levels, Mr. Skuggevik told the Board of Education. They will both speak at the graduation ceremony on June 25.


Elementary school teacher Kerri Knipfing has been granted tenure.

Childcare Leave

Elizabeth Eklund has been granted a childcare leave of absence to start on or about September 26 through December 21.

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