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Featured Letter to the Editor: Doing your part in a great cause

BEVERLEA WALZ PHOTO | Louise O’Regan Clark, the fastest power walker and cancer survivor at the 2014 5K. Diagnosed in November 2013, Ms. O’Regan Clark has been the fastest walker in the 5K for nine years.
Louise O’Regan Clark, the fastest power walker and cancer survivor at the 2014 5K. Diagnosed in November 2013, Ms. O’Regan Clark has been the fastest walker in the 5K for nine years.

Raise awareness

To the Editor:

As October approaches once again, we should all be reminded to DISPLAY YOUR PINK RIBBONS PROUDLY for the month to raise everyone’s awareness of Breast Cancer among our friends and family.

Remind others to get screened regularly and help support those that need it.

“Team Flamingo” will once again be a driving force at this years Shelter Island 5K hoping to always beat last years time and money raised for the charities that support people right here on the East End.

If you would like to be a part of “Team Flamingo” (all are welcome) simply add the Team name to your application.If you would to be a sponsor of “Team Flamingo” simply make out a check to North Fork Breast Health Coalition (NFBHC will do) and mail to me, Townsend Montant at PO Box 1198, Shelter Island Heights, NY 11965.

Put in the note line Team Flamingo.

Any amount is more then welcome and looking forward to seeing walkers and runners at the race.


Shelter Island