
A first look at Shelter Island’s Election 2009 line-up

The 12 contenders for town office this fall gathered in one spot for the first time at the “Meet the Candidates” luncheon hosted by the Shelter Island Senior Citizen’s Association and Women’s Community Club on Wednesday, October 7 at the Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. Each candidate spoke briefly, with messages for all voters and some directed to the senior citizens assembled there.

The audience fired back with questions based on campaign claims of individual candidates, and, for groups of opposing candidates, these questions: Do you support the tick program? How will you keep taxes to a minimum?

The next public forum for the candidates will be hosted by the Shelter Island Chapter of the League of Women Voters and the Shelter Island Association on October 18 from 1 to 4 p.m. in the school auditorium. Janalyn Travis-Messer will be the moderator. The town supervisor candidates debated in front of a television camera last Friday at Channel 12 studios. The Channel 12 debate will air on October 23 at 3:30 p.m.

The field of candidates and their moderator are (from left to right): Don Kornrumpf (council), Ed Brown (council), Jim Dougherty (supervisor), Linda Springer (council), Joe Messing (assessor), Patricia Shillingburg (council), Mark Ketcham (highway superintendent), Chris Lewis (council), Bill Smith (supervisor), Patricia Castoldi (assessor), Paul Shepherd (supervisor), Joan Belaval (forum moderator) and Jay Card (highway superintendent).