Around the Island

Islander back for benefit

Sara Verwymeren (left) and Jessie Murray of ‘Saving Sparrow.’

Sara (Hashagen) Verwymeren and her musical partner Jessie Murray — known as the indie pop duo, “Saving Sparrow” — will open for the Five Star Streets band on Sunday, October 11 at 7 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Greenport. 

The progressive Christian rock/pop concert is sponsored by the church in cooperation with Youth with a Mission, Reef to Outback in Australia. The group is on a two-month tour in the States to raise awareness of social injustice and humanitarian need in Southeast Asia. The band has just released its CD, “Let Justice Ring.” Saving Sparrow has a CD in progress and both women are gifted vocalists and keyboardists, providing a smooth sonic counterpoint to Five Star Streets.

Admission is free but there will be a free-will offering. Refreshments and a “meet and greet” with the artists will follow the concert.

Ms. Verwymeren is the daughter of Tom Hashagen and Lisa Shaw of Shelter Island and has been doing mission work in Australia with her husband Nick for the past few years.