


The 10th Annual Shelter Island 5K Run /Walk to benefit the Northand South Fork Breast Health Coalitions will be held on Saturday,October 17. The race starts at Crescent Beach at 10 a.m. Adultpre-registration before October 15 is $25. On the day of the race,adults cost $30, children 14 and under, $10. Raffle tickets will besold on the day of the race and all proceeds from the raffle go toLucia’s Angels. For more race information and online registration,visit www.shelterislandrun.com or call 774-9499.


Storytime with Mollie Numark, for ages 3 and up, returns to theShelter Island Public Library on Tuesday mornings from 11:15 a.m.to noon. This program will run from October 13 through November24.


The Shelter Island Lions Club is sponsoring its 52nd annualScallop Dinner on Sunday, October 18 from 5 to 8 p.m. at thePridwin Hotel on Shore Road. The cost is $30 for adults; $15 forages 10 and under. For tickets call Alan or Janice Krauss at749-2066.


The PTSA is holding a sports equipment swap and a Halloweencostume exchange on Columbus Day, October 12 from 2 to 5 p.m. atAmerican Legion Hall.

Gently used sports equipment and costumes can be dropped off inthe school lobby by tomorrow, Friday, October 9. Items will besorted according to size and available for a swap the day of theevent. All items are available at no cost. Those who are unable tomake the Friday deadline can also bring their items to the event onMonday.

The PTSA is looking for balls, scooters, snowboards, jerseys,waterskis, helmets, rollerblades, ice skates, etc. For moreinformation, call Cindy Belt at 749-4195.


Help support wetlands conservation and attend the annual banquetsponsored by Ducks Unlimited on Friday, October 9 at 6 p.m. at thePridwin Hotel. For information and tickets call 258-7322.


The Garden Club of Shelter Island will hold a board meeting onWednesday, October 14 at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Parish Hall,followed by a regular business meeting at 11 a.m. At 12:30 p.m.,guest speaker Bennett Konesni of Sylvester Manor will talk about”optimistic farming,” the new and exciting projects he isundertaking at the manor.

The program is open to the public, and everyone who has a garden(or not) is invited to hear Mr. Konesni’s ideas and methods oforganic gardening at the manor. The chair of the event is PatriciaShillingburg.


The Shelter Island Chamber of Commerce will sponsor its 5thannual Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 10 from 2 to 6 p.m. at theShelter Island Gardens on St. Mary’s Road. There will be livemusic, a stein contest and refreshments, including bratwurst,roasted corn and hot cider. Come meet chamber members. The event isfree and open to the public, rain or shine!


Stories and More returns to the Shelter Island Public Library onSaturday mornings at 10:30 a.m. for ages 3 and up. “Silly Saturday”will be the focus on October 17, when stories and activities forkids will be based on a Saturday theme.


The Garden Club of Shelter Island will host a booth at theHistorical Society’s Fall Harvest Festival on Sunday, October 11from 12 noon to 4 p.m. at Havens House. Members will offer driedand fresh flower arrangements, wreaths and other Garden Clubcrafts. Proceeds from the sales will benefit the HistoricalSociety. Renate Biamonte (749-0785) is in charge of this event.


The Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons, Inc. will hold its 16thannual “Stroll to the Sea” dog walk on Saturday, October 10 from 9a.m. to 12 noon. (Rain date: Sunday, October 11.) Special guest,award-winning actress Mercedes Ruehl, will perform theribbon-cutting that starts the walk.

The two-mile walk to the ocean will begin and end at the MulfordFarm in the heart of East Hampton Village. Dog walkers can registerat arfhamptons.org. The registration fee is $25 foradults, free for children under 16. All participants will receiveT-shirts, refreshments and free micro-chipping for their dogs.There will be various contests, a dog agility course, face paintingfor the kids, and musician Sandy Rapp will perform on the guitar.Everyone who collects $250 in pledges will receive a handmadebracelet with a sterling silver dog bone charm from the Jill LynnCollection.


During the month of October, the North Fork Audubon Society willsponsor Family Nature Walks on Tuesday and Sunday mornings.Participants will see and identify flora, as well as birds andother fauna. Meet at the Red House at Inlet Pond County Park, Route48 in Greenport at 9 a.m. For more information contact Bev Prenticeat 793-0113 or [email protected].


Lucy’s Whey of East Hampton and Slow Food East End will host anevent at the Children’s Museum of the East End (CMEE) on Monday,October 12 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. to meet Bon Appetit magazine’s “FoodArtisans of the Year,” Herb and Kathy Eckhouse of La Quercia inNorwalk, Iowa.

These culinary pioneers introduced organic-certified andheirloom-breed prosciutto to America. Guests will sample theirspecial artisan-cured meats paired with apples from the Milk Pail,cheese from Lucy’s Whey, local wine and hard cider.

Tickets are $40 per person. Seating is limited and reservationsare necessary. Contact [email protected] or call 324-4428.Proceeds benefit the Edible Schoolyard projects supported by theEast End chapter of Slow Food. CMEE is located at 376Bridgehampton/Sag Harbor Turnpike.


The Vail-Leavitt Music Hall on Peconic Avenue in Riverhead willcelebrate its 128th birthday on Sunday, October 11. Coinciding withthe festivities of the Riverhead Country Fair, the doors of theVail-Leavitt Music Hall will be open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Themusic hall has a long and rich history, including the early talkingfilm presented there by Thomas Edison. Tours will be available ofthe renovated and restored turn-of-the-century music hall, andbirthday cake will be served to visitors.


The North Fork Audubon Society will sponsor “Enchanted Trails:Fairy Houses and Gnome Homes” on Saturday, October 10 and Sunday,October 11 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Red House at Inlet PondCounty Park, 65275 Route 48 in Greenport. Inspired by Tracy Kane’s”The Fairy House Series,” participants will walk the trails todiscover fairy houses and gnome homes, and return to create theirown. Materials will be provided.

This event is open to all ages. The cost is $5 each; $20 forfamilies of five or more. A donation of $20 entitles the family toa one-year membership in the North Fork Audubon Society. For moreinformation contact Donna Skrezec, 765-6806.


The Peconic Baykeeper will sponsor a Lobster Bash at the LobsterInn, 162 Inlet Road in Southampton, on Saturday, October 17 from 6to 10 p.m. The cost is $100 per person and includes local beer andwine, hors d’oeuvres and the Lobster Inn’s famous “SPLAT” dinner. Asilent and Chinese auction as well as music by Dennis O’Connor willalso be featured. For more information or to reserve a spot, call653-4804 or email [email protected].


Learn how the giant planet Jupiter beams mysterious signals froma distance of 365 million miles away and hear it for yourself onSaturday, October 10 at 8 p.m. at the Custer Institute andObservatory, 1115 Main Bayview Road in Southold. There will be alecture and live demonstration by Ron Milione, and those presentwill be able to hear Jupiter for themselves. The cost is $10 formembers; $13 for non-members and $5 for students. For moreinformation call 765-2626 or visitcusterobservatory.org.


The “Picture Show at Bay Street” presents classic films onweekend evenings. The recent viewer’s choice film is “Hobson’sChoice,” to be shown on Friday, October 9. Starring CharlesLaughton and John Mills, the film centers around Henry Hobson, whoruns a successful bootmaker’s shop in 19th-century Salford,England. A widower with a weakness for the pub opposite tries torule the lives of his three unruly daughters. When he decrees “nomarriages,” eldest daughter Maggie rebels and sets her sights onHobson’s star bootmaker. The film will not be shown on Saturdayevening.

Tickets cost $5. The doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the film startsat 8 p.m. The American Hotel will again offer a $25 “Dinner and aMovie” prix-fixe package that includes a three-course dinner and aticket to the film.