
On good intentions

To the Editor:

First of all, I’d like to make it clear that I have absolutely no personal agenda pertaining to the assessor candidacy, nor do I know the authors of the letters in the October 8th Reporter berating Al Hammond for his October 1st letter. However, fair is fair, or should be, even in politics (unheard of), especially on our small Island. There is no need to call Mr. Hammond’s letter “unsubstantiated vituperation” towards Joe Messing’s claims, as there was no “berating” or “reviling” evident in Al Hammond’s letter, and anyone interested is able to verify his statement with the exception of the “4-minute arithmetic,” which should have read “4 reviews on average per hour” or 15 minutes each.

Nevertheless, I believe it is the obligation of a licensed, certified professional assessor working for the town, such as Al Hammond, to clear up any perceived misunderstanding about the no doubt unintentionally overstated qualifications of a candidate for assessor. 

There was no blatant political attack, no hidden agenda, and no feeling threatened on the part of Al Hammond, merely an attempt at full disclosure to educate the voting public. Don’t we all want and deserve full, honest disclosure?

It may not be common knowledge that the clerk “loaned” by the assessor’s office to the Board of Assessment Review is actually paid by the board and that that board renders its opinion of value in its review of assessments. It does not have access to the “inner sanctum” of the assessors’ computer and works on BAR matters, does not interact or work with the assessors or staff and does not establish or maintain assessments. There is no doubt whatsoever that Joe Messing has valuable experience and unquestioned dedication to public service to our community, but let’s not “berate” or “revile” (“vituperate”) good intentions, as they do not require an apology!


Shelter Island