
Senior Bulletin Board

FLU SHOTS: Available at Eastern Long Island Hospital on Thursday, October 29. The vaccination is free for Medicare-eligible seniors; all others pay $25. Call 477-5122 to make an appointment.

• HOME CAREGIVERS COURSE: Sponsored by the Office of Senior Services, Monday, October 26 through Friday, October 30 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center. This course is free and is available only to Shelter Island residents. For further information and registration, call 749-1059.

SISCA: Trip to Smithhaven Mall, Thursday, November 5. Cost per person is $5. Town handicapped bus departs the Presbyterian Church parking lot at 8:45 a.m. sharp. To reserve a space on the bus, call Mollie Strugats at 749-1456.