Pre-election political huddle?
Two well-known residents of Silver Beach stopped for refueling … Suddenly from the roadside shrubbery a plump cow emerged … she espied the nearby vegetable stand managed by the Wallingfords. Greedily she veered in this direction and proceeded to browse about among the tasty foods. While the onlookers watched in mild astonishment, two more cows appeared, hurrying to join the free luncheon. The three were wreaking merry havoc, when still another uninvited guest arrived — one very small, eager burro. He tried valiantly to wedge himself between the ladies to grab a mouthful or two for himself, but our correspondent reports, sadly “He never even had a look-in.” • OCTOBER 25, 1959
School tax rate slightly lower for 1985
The actual tax rate for the 1984-85 school budget will drop three cents per $100 of assessed valuation, School Superintendent Frederick Bement announced at last Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting. The actual rate for the $1.9 million budget is calculated at $7.31 per $100 rather than the previously projected cost of $7.34. • OCTOBER 18, 1984
Board reviews proposed music camp
During the Town Board’s October 19 work session, Town Attorney Helen Rosenblum reported on her meeting earlier that day with representatives of Itzhak Perlman. Perlman is considering the purchase of Peconic Lodge for use as a seasonal music camp and possibly for other purposes. • OCTOBER 28, 1999