
Bulletin board for seniors

COMMUNITY POTLUCK DINNER: Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26 at 2 p.m. at the Shelter Island Presbyterian Church’s Fellowship Hall. Open to all on Shelter Island. Bring a dish to share or just come to help. Turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie provided by your hosts. Call Dana or Emily Hallman at 749-5092 for further information.

SISCA: Holiday luncheon and installation of officers, Tuesday, December 15 at the Blue Sky Restaurant in Sag Harbor. H. Call JOan Belaval, 749-9324, or Charlotte Hannabury, 749-0168 to reserve. Mail your check for $28 per person to Jeanne Woods, P.O.B. 435 C. December 8 is the deadline. Note your entrée choice on your check: chicken marsala, salmon with lemon sauce, penne with vegetables or sliced flat iron steak.