Watch closely
To the Editor:
First, let me thank all of you who supported me over the last few months, and most importantly, those who understood why I was doing what I did, and who used their vote as their voice on the matter. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Facial cuts always bleed like hell.
I don’t mind walking political point for the rest of my life as long as I know that there is indeed a squad behind me. The size of that squad was what I was trying to determine, and the only way to do that was to run a very simple campaign on a very basic platform so as to avoid dilution of the end product. Now we know the scope of the job before us.
Next we need to get the skeptics to understand that we are not asking them to sacrifice any of the things they are so fearful of losing, but rather are seeking to establish a limit on what we are going to be asked to sacrifice ourselves. Then we must successfully argue against the current consensus that we are supposed to adjust our position to accommodate the majority in every respect, because to do so is to acquiesce to mob rule, something the Constitution is specifically designed to prevent.
Finally, we need to convince others that having convictions or thinking guided by ideology does not preclude practicality, it lights the way for it.
Thanks again, people. I’m back at the work sessions, and will make as many as I can afford to. The circus has left town for the year, it seems, so it’s quiet there. You need to stay informed, and to speak up if you see or hear something you don’t like, as silence is always interpreted as assent, and you will likely not be asked for your opinion by those you’ve elected. If you want, you can contact me, in full confidence, and I’ll relay the message, but it’s always better coming from you directly.
The people usually choose wisely, it’s the chosen who often fail to do the same. That is why you need to watch closely.