December Senior Activity Calendar Calendar dates are subject to change
Cinema 114: With Christmas on the way, there will be only one video viewing on December 9 at 2 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center. See Janet Rescigno’s preview in the December 3 issue of the Reporter.
Dinner Bell: Luncheon and social hour every Monday and Friday 12:15 -1:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall at the Presbyterian Church. Closed Christmas and New Year’s days. Suggested donation, $3. Call 749-0291, extension 2104 to reserve.
The Poker Table: Thursdays, 2 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center. Closed December 24 and December 31. Call 749-1059 for information.
SCAC: No monthly meeting in December.
Senior Bowling: Tuesdays at 2 p.m. at the American Legion Hall. $2 per game.
Senior Mah-jongg: Mondays and Fridays, 1:30 to 5 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center, play only. Closed December 25 and January 1. Sponsored by SCAC. call 749-1059 for information.
Silver Circle: A social and activity program every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center. Lunch and transportation included. Donation $4. Call program director Lois Charls at 749-0276 to reserve.
SISCA: Christmas Luncheon and installation of officers, Tuesday, December 15 at the Blue Sky Restaurant (formerly Spinnakers) in Sag Harbor at noon. To reserve, call Joan Belaval, 749-9324 , or Charlotte Hannabury, 749-0168. Mail your check for $28 (per person) to Jeanne Woods, P.O. Box 435 in the Center by December 8. Note your choice of entrée (chicken marsala, salmon with lemon sauce, penne with sautéed vegetables, flatiron steak) on the check. For those who need a ride, the town handicapped bus will depart the Presbyterian Church parking lot at 11:30 a.m. Call Joan Belaval to reserve a space on the bus.
Yoga for Seniors: Friday class, $5 fee, continues through December 18. Monday class, free, continues through December 28. No class Friday, January 1. All classes at the Senior Activity Center from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Call 749-1059 for information.