
Osprey's Nest

Taking the plunge…

That’s what Peter Vielbig, his son-in-law Chris Del Col and grandkids Peter and Charlotte did on Thanksgiving Day. In 48-degree weather the hardy quartet plunged into Dering Harbor — starting a new annual tradition, Peter said. 

The Del Cols live in Massachusetts and Charlotte knew all about Nantucket’s Turkey Plunge — “That was all she needed to challenge us,” Peter said. Above is photographic proof of the event, taken by warmly clad daughter, Leslie. 

Happy birthday to…

Jerry Harrigan, Alyssa Draus, Kristina Lange Lewis and Owen Wood on December 4; Cindy Michalak, Jamie Figenbaum, Tara Jernick, Liam Adipietro and Lila Piccozzi on December 5; Dorothy Ogar, Aimee Jernick and Garth Griffin on December 6; Mark Kanarvogel, Jeff and Jason Gibbs, Timothy King, Kelly Ames, Rebecca O’Malley, Gregory Hickey and Ralph Kast on December 7; Sarah Shepherd, Joseph Santillo, D. Jean Dickerson and L. Jane Fowler on December 8; Astrid Jernick and Grace Marie Senken on December 9; and Dorothy Mundy, Sean Gillooly, Barbara Koszalka and Paul Sessa on December 10.

Happy anniversary to…

Wendy and Charles Hardy on December 6.

Congratulations to…

Gina Giambruno and Emily Gibbs, Shelter Island School Class of 2010, who have been nominated to compete in the National Honor Society scholarship program, sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. NHS chapters across the country are eligible to nominate two members to compete. Advisor Janine Mahoney said the Faculty Council “had great difficulty selecting only two candidates with so many deserving members.”

Gina is president of the Student Council and plans to study medicine; Emily is president of NHS and plans to major in business. Both girls are involved in a number of other school and community activities. Good luck to you both!

And thanks to…

David Larsen and Union Chapel for the most welcome box of grapefruit and oranges that arrived in our office last week. They’re disappearing quickly and are the perfect antidote to a rainy, gloomy holiday weekend!