
Clips lead the league, Tballs close behind

Holding on to first place by a mere 1 point, the Clippers needed to come up this week with a big win. And so they did as they were 11-point winners over the Holy Rollers. For the Rollers, the Hammer came down on the wrong side of the score sheet.

Facing a 13-mark deficit, the Clips won out more by luck than high bowling scores. Jim Gibbs Jr. did roll the third-high series this week of 464 for the Clips. At least the bionic man came to bowl for the Clips.

Breathing down the Clips’ necks are the Thunderballs. The Tballs rolled the third-high game of 1039 and third-high series of 3016. After Kevin Barry rolled the third-high game of the week of 186, the Tballs rested him the final game. No sense in risking that bowling arm, since there was no turkey to be had this week. The Tballs ended up also being 11-point winners with their victory over the rookie Legionnaires. Although Father Peter picked up the 5-10 split, the Legionnaires were still paid a visit by Saint Chokemaster.

It turned out this week that the big game was between the Dory Terminators and the Misfits. Finally the Terms’ score sheet found its way into the envelope, but there was still a little problem. Leaving the lanes that night thinking that they were 11-point winners, it was determined that the Terms only managed to take 8 points after recalculations. I know that Dave Clark is in denial, but Jack, can you buy him a pair of reading glasses so that he can check the score sheet before he signs it?

While the Terms rolled the high team game of 1069 and high team series of 3133, the Misfits were right behind them with a 1054 game and 3025 series. With his high game of 200, Butch Labrozzi rolled 63 pins over his game average and rolled the second-high series of 481.

For the Terms, Mike Reiter rolled the second-high game of 190 that led the way for him to roll the high series of 512. Rolling 101 pins over his average, Mike earned Bowler of the Week honors. Sorry, no turkey for you this week. Too bad, once again a day late and a dollar short. Mike might want to see if Kevin has any leftover turkey scraps so that he might make a turkey salad sandwich.

With the Pharmaceuticals’ bye this week, they were helpless against their destiny to remain in last place. Speaking for my team, I would like to thank Nick Ryan for leading the Misfits in taking 3 points and sending us right to the basement.

Louie’s Clippers 49 17 .742

Thunderballs 48 18 .727

Dory Terminators 41 25 .621

Holy Rollers 26 40 .394

Misfits 23 43 .385

Legionnaires 23 43 .385

Pharmaceuticals 21 45 .318