Seniors mix it up at SISCA’s holiday party
Linda Betjeman (far right) led the group in singing, with song sheets of holiday favorites.
Tuesday, December 15, 30 SISCA members traveled to the Blue SkyRestaurant in Sag Harbor by private car and Shelter Island town busfor their traditional holiday party. The bus was a welcome courtesyfor those members who no longer drive off-Island.
The party, held in the restaurant’s skylighted private diningroom, mixed a thoughtful remembrance with music and that specialsign of organizational continuity- the swearing in of officers for2010.
Gert Bourne, SISCA’s vice-president, had sought and wonexecutive approval to present our County Legislator Ed Romaine witha plaque honoring his “years of devoted attention to the needs ofShelter Island senior citizens. Councilperson Chris Lewis, who hadordered the plaque, was not able to attend. Neither, unfortunately,could Mr. Romaine, but Gert said she had a young man standing by totake it to him personally that very night.
Somewhere between courses, Linda Betjeman, a “Master of Music,best known locally for her work with the Shelter Island CommunityChorus, handed out song sheets and played for all to sing, startingout with a lusty “Winter Wonderland. (The Blue Sky’s maitre d’ wasoverheard saying he had just had the piano tuned so that Linda’smusic and the SISCA voices soared to the skylight.)
Following the dessert, a choice of apple tarts or a chocolateconfection, part brownie, part mousse, the officers rose for theswearing-in ceremony. The Honorable Helen J. Rosenblum, Esq., oneof two Town Justices, had volunteered to substitute for ChrisLewis. The officers – Carolyn Willberg, president; Gert Bourne,vice president; Emily Hallman, secretary; and Jeanne Woods,treasurer – following Helen’s lead were duly sworn in, thussignaling the continuity of SISCA, the Island’s first and onlysenior organization, for another year.
The party was a perfect mix of sentiment, music, protocolobserved and “very good food.