
$30,000 bail set for felony drug possession

Seventy-eight packets of heroin bundled for sale (with a street value of over $2,300, according to the SIPD), along with other drug paraphernalia, were recovered as a result of a drug arrest on Monday, December 14.

Evan A. Kraus, 26, of Shelter Island was driving on South FerryRoad on Monday, December 14 at a few minutes past 9 p.m. whenpolice stopped him for failing to stay in lane. Following aninvestigation, he was arrested and charged with driving whileability impaired by drugs. He was also charged with possession of acontrolled substance (heroin) in the 3rd degree with intent tosell, a felony offense, and driving with a suspendedregistration.
Mr. Kraus was arraigned in Shelter Island Justice Court, JudgeHelen J. Rosenblum presiding, and bail was set at $30,000. He wasunable to make bail and was remanded to Suffolk County Jail onTuesday.
Moises Garcia, 29, and Blaize A. Zabel, 20, both of Shelter Island,were arrested on Bateman Road by police on Monday, December 14 atabout 4:40 p.m. and charged with trespassing on Shelter IslandSchool property. The defendants were released on their ownrecognizance and instructed to appear in Shelter Island JusticeCourt at a later date.
On Tuesday, December 15 at a few minutes past 1 a.m., policestopped Karen K. Regan, 29, of Shelter Island for failure to stayin lane while driving on West Neck Road. She was subsequentlyarrested and charged with driving while ability impaired by drugsand criminal possession of a controlled substance in the 7thdegree. She was arraigned in Shelter Island Justice Court, JudgeRosenblum presiding, and released on $1,000 bail.
Alfred I. Vulcan of Huntington told police on December 13 that hewent through a puddle turning around at the end of Club Drive andhit a submerged object, damaging the driver’s-side front cowling.At the scene of the accident police found a large puddle ofstanding water that was partially frozen. No object was identifiedbut according to the police report, the damage could have beencaused by frozen ice on an uneven road surface. The cost of thedamage was not estimated.
Also on the 13th, Gerald Mallow of Shelter Island was at theRecycling Center when he backed his vehicle into a stopped caroperated by Marian R. Teodoru of Shelter Island. There was minordamage to the front bumper of Mr. Teodoru’s vehicle. Mr. Mallow’svehicle had a rear hitch and no damage was reported.
A caller reported receiving harassing emails on December 8.
LIPA was notified when arcing wires were reported in the Center onDecember 10 and was called again when a resident reported an”explosion and a power outage in Shorewood.
A downed tree partially blocked a roadway in Cartwright on December11.
A caller told police a horse was at large in the Center on December11; the horse was secured and the owner notified.
At 10:35 p.m. on December 12, police received a noise complaintabout loud music at Planet Bliss. Police were unable to take adecibel reading because of high winds, but spoke to the owner whoturned down the volume.
A Hay Beach caller reported “strange noises in the house onDecember 12. Police determined that the resident may have raccoonsliving inside the walls and advised the owner to contact anexterminator.
A caller told police on December 12 that water was coming out ofthe windows and doors of a South Ferry Hills residence. Policegained entry and found extensive water damage in the basement andon the first floor. It was determined that water had been runningfor some time, given the damage to the walls and the ceiling aswell as the growing mold. The water and electrical systems wereshut down and the owner was notified.
The Shelter Island Fire Department responded on December 12 to achimney fire at a Hay Beach residence. There was no propertydamage.
On December 12, police answered a call about water spraying outsidea Center residence – a garden hose had been left turned on.
A case of harassment was reported on December 13.
A dog reported at large in Menantic on December 13 was returned toits owner.
An automatic burglary alarm was activated at a residence in HayBeach on December 14. No problems were noted.
Shelter Island Red Cross ambulance teams transported three aidedcases to Eastern Long Island Hospital on December 13 and 14.