Legal Notices



The Shelter Island Fire District is securing bids for fuel oilfor the 2010 calendar year for the heating of the Shelter IslandFire District buildings located on Shelter Island, New York. Thisbid should include fuel oil, 24-hour service, annual cleaning and aservice contract. This bid should also include the agreement thatthe tanks should be filled immediately before any major weatherdisturbance such as a hurricane or a northeaster that is forecastby the National Weather Service.

Please present your bid by January 5, 2010, 7 P.M. to JacquelineTuttle, secretary of the district, at the meeting, which will beheld at Station One, 49 North Ferry Road, Shelter Island, N.Y. orby mail to P.O. Box 500, Shelter Island, N.Y., before the meeting.All bids should be placed in sealed envelopes labeled fuel oilbid.

The Board of Fire Commissioners resolves the right to accept,modify or reject any bid received if it determines it is in thebest interests of the Shelter Island Fire District.

Jacqueline A.P. Tuttle,

Secretary, SI Fire District

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The Shelter Island Fire District is securing bids for propanefor the 2010 calendar year. This bid should include propane,24-hour service, annual cleaning and a service contract. This bidshould also include the agreement that the tanks should be filledimmediately before any major weather disturbance such as ahurricane or a northeaster that is forecast by the National WeatherService.

Please present your bid by January 5, 2010, 7 P.M. to JacquelineTuttle, secretary of the district, at the meeting, which will beheld at Station One, 49 North Ferry Road, Shelter Island, N.Y., orby mail to P.O. Box 500, Shelter Island, N.Y., before the meeting.All bids should be placed in sealed envelopes labeled propanebid.

The Board of Fire Commissioners reserves the right to accept,reject or modify any bid received if it determines it is in thebest interests of the Shelter Island Fire District.

Jacqueline A.P. Tuttle,

Secretary, SI Fire District

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TO THE TAXPAYERS OF THE TOWN OF SHELTER ISLAND PLEASE TAKENOTICE, that I, Nancy A. Kotula, the undersigned Receiver of Taxesof the Town of Shelter Island, County of Suffolk and State of NewYork, have duly received the tax roll and warrant for thecollection of taxes within the Town of Shelter Island for the year2009-2010, and that I will attend at Town Hall, 38 North FerryRoad, in the said Town of Shelter Island from December 1st 2009 toMay 31st 2010, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. excepting Saturdays, Sundaysand legal holidays for the purpose of receiving the taxes listed onthe said roll.

The whole of any such tax or assessment may be paid on or beforeJanuary 10, 2010, without penalty; also there shall be no penaltyif one-half of all such taxes are paid on or before January 10,2010, and the second one-half of all such taxes are paid on orbefore May 31, 2010, provided the first one-half tax shall havebeen paid or shall be paid at the same time.

On such first-half taxes remaining unpaid on January 10, 2010one percent (1%) of the amount of the first one-half of the taxcalculated from January 10th shall be added to the first month orpart thereof, and an additional one percent (1%) will be added eachmonth or part thereafter until the return of the warrant to theCounty Treasurer.

Partial payments may be made pursuant to Suffolk CountyResolution No. 1530-2001 with a minimum payment of $200.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that pursuant to the provisions of law thetax rolls of the Town of Shelter Island will be returned to theCounty Treasurer of the County of Suffolk after May 31st 2010. Alldelinquent taxes must be paid to the Suffolk County Treasurer withpenalties and interest added.

Tax Warrant for the

Town of Shelter Island, New York for:


Amount $ 16,931,462.32

Rates per $1,000 of Assessed Valuation

School 2.6087

Library 0.1336

County General Fund 0.2218

Erroneous Town Assessments 0.0044

New York State MTA Tax 0.0073

General Town Wide 1.5662

Highway Town Wide .03008

General Part Town 0.0764

Highway Part Town 0.0328

SI Fire District 0.2286

Dated: December 1, 2009

Nancy A. Kotula, Receiver of Taxes

Town of Shelter Island

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