Minimum calls during blizzard
The police blotter saw very few storm-related incidents,including accidents, during the weekend, and Police Chief Jim Readsaid that no power outages were called in either. Police reportedthat three vehicles were stuck in snow, and early Monday morninglarge drifts were reported in the Heights and at two locations inthe Center.
John A. Venturella, 47, of Southampton was stopped on NorthFerry Road on Thursday, December 17 at about 4:45 p.m. for drivingwith an expired inspection and was subsequently arrested foroperating a vehicle with a suspended New York State driver’slicense – aggravated unlicensed operation in the 3rd degree. Mr.Venturella was released on station house bail of $100 and wasinstructed to return to Shelter Island Justice Court at a laterdate.
Also on December 17, Julian Ansboro, 37, of Mastic Beach wasstopped by police on South Ferry Road at about 5:15 p.m. for notwearing a seatbelt. He was then arrested on a bench warrant issuedin another police jurisdiction where he has been charged withrobbery. Mr. Ansboro was turned over to the Suffolk County DistrictAttorney’s office.
Beverly A. McCafferty, 50, of Shelter Island was stopped bypolice on North Ferry Road on December 3 and issued a ticket foroperating an unregistered vehicle.
On December 5, Dawn M. Hedberg, 38, of Sag Harbor was given asummons on South Ferry Road for driving with an expiredinspection.
John C. Dowling, 39, of Greenport was ticketed on December 19 onSouth Ferry Road for speeding – 52 mph in a 40-mph zone.
Eric L. Springer of Shelter Island told police on December 20that he had backed out onto Primrose Place in front of an oncomingvehicle driven by Matthew Labrozzi of Shelter Island. Mr. Springerreported that Mr. Labrozzi was unable to stop due to the icyroadway. Damage was estimated at over $1,000 – a large dent on therear passenger-side quarter panel and damage to the rearpassenger-side bumper of Mr. Springer’s vehicle and a small dent onthe front hood, scratches on the passenger-side below the blinkerand damage to the front grill of Mr. Labrozzi’s vehicle.
A caller told police on December 15 that a noise that soundedlike a sick animal was coming from a woods in Hay Beach. Policechecked the surrounding backyards with negative results.
On December 16, police were told about an open window on thesecond floor of a Shorewood residence. Police closed the window anddid not find any sign of criminal activity.
On the same day, police were asked to check on a residence inthe Center to make sure no one was inside. The home was unoccupiedand the caller notified.
A Long View resident reported a case of harassment on December16.
On December 18, an extra patrol was requested in Cartwright.
On December 18, police helped a driver gain access to a car inthe Center when the keys were locked inside. Police subsequentlylearned the driver’s license had been suspended and the person wasadvised not to drive. The driver later provided police with a validlicense.
Water was reported spraying out of an outside shower at aShorewood home. Police shut off the water main and notified thecaretaker, who was also informed about an open window in the backof the residence. No criminal activity was noted in the policereport.
Police responded to a medical alert on December 20 in theMenantic area. No problems were reported.
The Shelter Island Fire Department responded to three automaticfire alarms during the week in Silver Beach, Hay Beach and on RamIsland. One was set off by workers on the property, one by a dryerand the third by a fog machine in the basement.
A burglary alarm at a residence in Westmoreland was accidentallyactivated by an employee.
A Shelter Island Red Cross ambulance team transported one aidedcase to Eastern Long Island Hospital on December 20.