Series returns for winter run
Five years ago the Shelter Island Library began a film seriescalled Movies at the Library that promised “great movies, known andunknown, presenting them in the large-screen, surround-sound cinemaon the library’s lower level.
Five years on, the program is as strong as ever. This winterMovies at the Library will offer a new series of six varied andinteresting films.
The series opens on Tuesday, January 5 with a delightful comedythat will warm up the cold of winter, “Hopscotch. Walter Matthau iswonderful in this fast-paced and witty film as a spy who decides toget revenge on the pompous supervisor (Ned Beatty) who demoted him.Glenda Jackson is the love interest.
On January 19, M@L presents one of the great classic actors inone of the great movies. Laurence Olivier is brilliant as ArchieRice, an over-the-hill and self-deceiving song and dancevaudevillian in John Osborne’s “The Entertainer. Tony Richardsondirected this bittersweet British gem.
February 2 brings a great western to the library, “Red River.This shoot-‹”em-up adaptation of “Mutiny on theBounty features John Wayne at his very best in the role of a toughrancher making a historic cattle drive. “Red River was directed byHoward Hawks and features spell-binding photography by RussellHarlan. “One of the greatest of all westerns, claimed RogerEbert.
One of the best romantic comedies ever to come out of Hollywood,”The Philadelphia Story, arrives at the library on February 16. Afrothy, flawless farce starring Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant andJames Stewart, this 1940s take on the battle between the sexesproceeds at a blistering pace. Truly grand entertainment!
On March 2, Movies at the Library will show a little known butsuperb Chinese family drama, “The Shower. The universal conflictsbetween father and son and between tradition and modern ways areilluminated in the modern return of the prodigal son. This is asweet but serious comedy. It’s in Chinese with Englishsubtitles.
The final film of the winter series will be “My Left Foot. Thisis the story of handicapped Irish writer Christy Brown who wasafflicted with cerebral palsy from birth. The film never succumbsto clich or audience manipulation, despite its tough subject.Daniel Day-Lewis, in what may be the performance of his brilliantcareer, and Brenda Fricker both won Oscars. This is a greatfilm!
As always, all films will be at 7 p.m. and, as always, therewill be free bottled water and popcorn. And, as always, donationsare not required but certainly welcomed.