
Osprey's Nest

Happy birthday to…

Lily Page, Carter Hamilton, Bob Lenox, Douglas Halsey, AlexMitchell, Julia Deeb, Scott Nathan, twins Sharon Gibbs and KarenKilb, Amy Schutz and Evalyn Gehring on January 8; Elizabeth andDorothy Barton and Colin Gershon on January 9; Jill Tuttle Albiani,John Dudley Dreher, Anita Ahern, George Hoffmann, Victoria and JackSimes, Kevin P. Goodleaf and Mark Molin on January 10; BarbaraTehan Ernest, Nicolette Clark and Gary Kagawa on January 11;Shirley Mundy, Tina McHugh, Victor Lomuscio, Irene Sherman, AdamThilberg and Don Russ on January 12; Diane Dickens Anderson,Virginia Juzapavicus, Dana Dreher Cheyne, Donald Zabel, BrittanyOlinkiewicz on January 13; and Maxwell Notley, Dorothy Lockhart andEd Ferris on January 14.

And belated birthday wishes to Gail Newman, whose birthday onJanuary 6 missed the Reporter’s December 24 edition but willappear, on time, next year!

Happy anniversary to…

Vicki and Rich Russ on January 8; and Pat and Steve Lenox onJanuary 11.

Hats off to one of our own…

Dr. Frank Adipietro has recently been namedMedical Staff President for Eastern Long Island Hospital, effectivethis month. In an ELIH release received this week, President andCEO Paul J. Connor III said, “ELIH is pleased to congratulate Dr.Frank. On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the administration,we wish him much success in this very important leadershiprole.

Dr. Frank is currently vice chairman of the board and directorof Anesthesiology and Pain Management. Dr. Frank is a man of manyother accomplishments, not the least of which was the recentrunning of his 28th New York City Marathon in November.

Heard in passing…

Word has it that the staff of the school’sSpecial Education Department made a differencethis holiday season with a donation to Smile Train, which willcover the cost of anesthesia for cleft palate surgeries for twochildren in a developing nation. Now that’s a wonderful gift! (Theorganization can be reached atsmiletrain.org.)