Making the most of a hard freeze, these boys look like they arehaving a great time! Do they look familiar? Let Diane know at theReporter, 749-1000, extension 16, or [email protected].
Coecles Harbor … or not
Jay Jernick emailed the Reporter with his take on the Flashbackphoto that appeared in the December 17 issue. Regarding thegentleman in the plaid pants, Jay says, “What a 70s picture! He[Tom Jernick] was probably on his way to the golf course. I believeTom was the Shelter Island town supervisor at the time … Tom andmy dad were good friends, cousins and golfing buddies. Although Ilive in California, my wife and I cherish our weekly copy of theReporter. We saw that Tom’s daughters Linda and Ginnie were also inthe December 17 edition striking a lovely pose as Paint by Numbersbowlers. However we can’t see if they are wearing checkedpants.
Jeff Simes gave us a jingle from Florida and believes the photowas taken from Mashomack facing South Ferry and not Coecles Harboras we thought. Thanks, Jay and Jeff!