Sergeant Cronin named Officer of the Year

Sergeant Jim Cronin was selected by the Kiwanis Club to receive itsOfficer of the Year Award honoring a member of each East End policedepartment. He received the award at the annual Kiwanis dinnerevent at the Vineyard in Aquebogue on January 15. In attendancewere (from left) Councilman Ed Brown, Ann Cronin, Jim Cronin andPolice Chief James Read. Sergeant Cronin was honored for hisefforts leading to the arrest of a suspect linked to three felonyburglaries on Shelter Island, who was also accused of criminaltrespass in the 2nd degree, two counts of criminal mischief andthree petit larcenies. In addition, Sgt. Cronin was cited for hissuccessful work as project manager of the New York StateAccreditation process.