Sign up for STAR savings
Island property owners have until the end of February to sign upfor town and state programs to save money on taxes. Many residentscan qualify for a reduction in school taxes, regardless of age orincome level, providing they own property on Shelter Island andmake it their primary residence. The simple, brief application formis available at the Town Assessor’s office (749-1080).
New York State’s basic School Tax Relief (STAR) program exemptsthe first $71,610 of the assessed value of the property from schooltaxes. Residents who already have an application on file from aprevious year do not have to file again unless they have moved to anew property on the Island. First-time applicants will need toprovide proof of residency.
A second STAR program is available to seniors, ages 65 or older,whose annual earnings do not exceed $74,700. This “enhanced STARprogram applies to the first $136, 780 of the property’s assessedvalue and exempts that amount from the school tax.
Applications for enhanced STAR savings must be made by Monday,March 1 and will require proof of residency and the most recentyear’s filed income tax return. Application for this program needsto be renewed annually. According to the assessor’s office, anumber of heretofore eligible residents have not yet sent orbrought in their renewal applications. Other Islanders may onlyhave become eligible in 2009 and will need to apply for the firsttime.
The town also has a special senior exemption for those ages 65and older who earn less than $38,399 annually, which provides apercentage off property taxes – not just school taxes – on asliding scale depending on income.