A cinnamon-honey combo, a possible cure-all?
Ms. Sherman is a registered nurse with an interest innatural foods and wellness. She is the owner of Greeny’s, a naturalfood market on the Island.
The information in her articles is for general interest andis not intended to replace medical advice or attention.
In the past I have written about the healing properties of honeyand all of its great uses. If you have come into the store, you mayalso have heard me talk about cinnamon. Cinnamon helps to regulateblood sugar in diabetics by slowing the emptying of the stomach,causing a slower rate of blood sugar absorption. This results inless of a blood sugar spike. New studies also suggest that cinnamonmight actually have an insulin boosting property that helps thebody use its sugars more easily.
Well, with that in mind, what might happen if we combine the twotogether? No, you can’t use it for the lava in your kid’s scienceproject, but you can use it for a lot of other good things, suchas:
Curing arthritis pain. Make a paste of one parthoney with two parts lukewarm water, mix with a small teaspoon ofcinnamon. Rub into aching area for 15 minutes, pain shouldresolve.
Hair loss/baldness. Make a paste of hot oliveoil, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Apply 15minutes before showering. (No, we haven’t tried it yet.)
Reducing cholesterol. Mix 2 tablespoons ofhoney, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon in 16 ounces of tea. This mixturehas been found to reduce cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent intwo hours. (Do this before your life insurance physical.)
Heart disease. Apply honey and cinnamon powderon bread instead of butter or jelly. Eat it on a regular basis forbreakfast.
Acne. Mix equal parts of honey and cinnamoninto a paste. Rub it onto skin. Leave it on as long as possible.There will be a mild burning sensation. Wash with lukewarm water.Do this daily for two weeks. The results are pretty dramatic. Ihave seen this work. A maintenance mask every couple of days willhelp you to stay radiant.
Here’s the biggie – weight loss. Steep 1teaspoon of cinnamon in 1 cup of boiling water, let cool for 30minutes. Mix in 2 teaspoons of honey. Drink half on an emptystomach before bed and the other half as soon as you get out ofbed. If taken regularly it reduces weight and does not allow fat toaccumulate on the body. This sounds quite yummy doesn’t it?Well it’s not. I thought, “Great, let me dig out my bikiniin time for summer. I mixed up my first batch, waited my 30minutes, only to find a cup of slime. The cinnamon turns into ablob when it is steeped. I went back online and found that it isokay to run the blob through a coffee filter. So I dug out my oldcoffee filters and started filtering. Thirty minutes later, my blobhad stressed the filter so much that I now had a blob and wet paperin my cup.
I did persevere though. Knowing that I am stronger than theblob, I dug out the wet filter, mixed in my honey and gulped itdown. To my surprise, it actually stayed down. The next morning waseven better; I now had a cool, sweet blob to ingest. I did it; Iwon, for now. I’m not sure what will happen at bedtime tonightthough, but I will not give up!
These are just a few of the miraculous benefits of thiscombination. Go on line and enter cinnamon and honey into a searchengine. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the amount of informationyou will find.
A few things I need to mention: Use only raw, organic,unpasteurized honey and organic cinnamon powder. Using organic willensure that you are not getting anything but pure ingredients. Youcertainly don’t want pesticides interfering with your blob. Alsothe honey needs to be raw so that all of the enzymes are not killedby the cooking process. This is why it is important not to mix thehoney in with boiling water. Heat above 118 degrees will kill allof the living out of everything.
Coming soon, “I survived the blob bumper stickers.