Deer, dogs and domestic disputes
Giuseppe Vaccaro, 20, of Deer Park was given a summons on SmithStreet on Thursday, January 28 for failure to produce a validinsurance card.
Natasha Lovaas, 17, of Greenport was driving on Smith Street onSunday, January 31 when she was ticketed for speeding – 50 mph in a35-mph zone.
For the record only, a caller told police on January 26 that herdog had been attacked and injured by another dog.
A caller reported on January 27 that unknown persons had beencutting brush on a neighbor’s Ram Island property. The caretakerchecked the grounds and did not find any signs of cutting ordamage.
A Center caller told police on January 27 that on two occasionsunknown persons had taken photos of the house from vehicles infront of the house. Police advised the caller that the photos mayhave been taken for bank purposes.
A case of aggravated assault was reported on January 27.
A call concerning a case of criminal trespass in the Tarkettlearea was received on January 28.
Police responded to a domestic dispute in Menantic on January28.
A caller told police on January 28 that on January 25 a LIPAtruck had been parked in front of a Center home due to a poweroutage in the area. When the truck left, the caller noticedextensive damage to the roadway and the end of the caller’sdriveway. Police found that the damage extended for approximately 9feet along the road and onto the driveway. According to the policereport, the roadway appeared to have been in need of repairbeforehand and the cracks in the pavement may have crumbled underthe weight of the truck.
A downed wire was reported in Silver Beach on January 29 andCablevision was notified.
Police responded to a domestic dispute in the Center on January29.
Police responded to a report of an injured deer in West Neck onJanuary 30; the deer was gone when police arrived. On the same day,police had to put down an injured deer in Cartwright.
A caller reported that while burning paper in a burn barrel onJanuary 31, a spark set the dry lawn on fire. The Shelter IslandFire Department responded and extinguished the fire. The residentwas advised about illegal burning.
Police investigated an open door at a Heights residence onJanuary 31 and reported that it was possible a workman on site mayhave forgotten to close up.
Police responded to a case of aggravated harassment in the 1stdegree in Menantic on February 1.
The recipient of scam-related emails provided information to thepolice on February 1.
A burglary alarm was activated at a Shorewood residence onJanuary 27. The premises appeared to be secure and no criminalactivity was noted. A medical alert was accidentally set off onJanuary 27, also in Shorewood.
Shelter Island Red Cross ambulance teams transported four aidedcases to Eastern Long Island Hospital on January 26, 28, 30 and 31.An aided cases was medevaced to Stony Brook University Hospital onJanuary 30.