
New Center project under consideration

Robert Andrew (middle-right) presents a surveyor’s map of his property to the board. He hopes to split his property on North Ferry Road into two lots.

Just as one applicant, Roger Cumming, is nearing the end of hisPlanning Board application process, Robert and Theresa Andrew aregetting ready to begin their own. The board discussed these twoprojects at its January 27 meeting.


Robert and Theresa Andrew went before the board to discuss thedetails of their project. They hope to split their Center propertyon North Ferry Road into two lots with the intention turning astorage facility, Shelter Island Self-Storage, into a residence onwhat would become a second lot.

After an informal review of a surveyor’s map of Mr. Andrew’sproperty, the board expressed concern that one of the lots wouldnot be large enough to meet code requirements for the minimum sizeof a Zone C residential lot, 40,000 square feet.

Board Chairman Paul Mobius also noted that one of the lots wouldnot have the minimum required road frontage, 100 feet. The projectwould therefore require two variances from the Zoning Board.

The board told the Andrews that they would have to prepare andsubmit a formal application, which the Planning Board would thenrefer to the Zoning Board for review.


Size and Location: Two lots on Menantic Road. Mr. Cummingprovided the board with his application’s final drawings, one ofthe last steps in his subdivision process. Mr. Mobius commentedthat “everything looks fine with Mr. Cumming’s drawings.

Once Board Attorney Tony Pasca and Board Engineer Joe Lombardireview the drawings and give their approval, the board goes througha final checklist to confirm that the application is complete. Mr.Mobius will then sign the drawings and Mr. Cumming can file themwith Suffolk County.