
State offering cash for appliance clunkers

Thinking of buying a new appliance? Do it between February 12and 21 and you could get a rebate from New York State.

Called “New York’s Great Appliance Swap Out, the rebate programwill pay participants for buying new Energy Star refrigerators,clothes washers and freezers, with additional incentives for thosewho verify that their old appliances were recycled. New dishwashersare also eligible for a rebate if they are purchased with a bundleof three appliances.

The program is being funded through the American Recovery andReinvestment Act and the state has $16.8 million to rebate forqualified purchases.

New York residents can replace one full-sized refrigerator,clothes washer or freezer and receive $75 to $105 if the oldappliance is recycled, $50 to $75 without recycling. Homeowners whobuy a bundle of a new dishwasher, clothes washer and refrigeratorwill receive $555 with recycling, $500 without.

For details, terms and conditions, see the state’s home page onthe program at nyapplianceswapout.com.

The Town of Shelter Island Conservation Advisory Council isencouraging Islanders to take advantage of this program.