
Getting back on track

To the Editor:

When I wrote the song “Here Comes the Freedom Train” for Merle Haggard back in 1976, it never occurred to me that, “The train we call America …” would stall so dramatically in 2009. Not that things were so great back in ‘76. There was of course Vietnam back then, a gas crisis and a whole lot of Republican and Democratic mutual mediocrity. Sound familiar? But looking back over the last three decades, America’s star seems a heck of a lot brighter today then back then.

Finally, 2009 is behind us and there is new promise in the air. There is a clean slate in the White House. An administration that says it is committed to change, innovation, clean energy and job creation. An administration that says it is committed to sustained prosperity for working men and women. Well I say, “Give ‘em a chance. Get on board! Put them to the test!”

And if they can’t pass muster, vote the bastards out! That’s what democracy is all about!