
Souper Bowl IV scores big for Food Pantry

Honor Society members and friends use Brendan Olinkiewicz’s truck to move the goods to the Island Food Pantry. From the left, Claire Read, Katie Siller, Brendan, Andrew BeltCappellino, David Raffelock, Jack Calabro and Tim King.

Shelter Island School’s Team Blue (even grades), captured thetitle of champion in this year’s Souper Bowl. The two-week-longfood drive, sponsored by the school’s National Honor Societychapter, pitted the even grades against Team Red, the odd gradesplus kindergarten.

While the competition was close at “half time – one week out -Team Blue scored consistently more cans daily in the second week.The final score was 460 items to 319 items for a combined total of779 – beating last year’s total of 631. Items were delivered to theShelter Island Food Pantry, housed at the Presbyterian Church byhigh school volunteers.

The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement that uses theenergy from the nation’s biggest sporting event to mobilize andinspire youth to fight hunger. For more information about theprogram, go to