Bowler of the Week honors go to Linda
Taking the weekly high handicap series with a 578 is Paint byNumbers’ Linda Springer. Linda started slow in her first game with2 marks in the first five frames. She wrapped it up with 4 sparesand a strike in the tenth for a 155. She went Dutch in thebeginning of the second. Somewhere in the middle there was a doublespare. A good foundation was followed by 2 strikes for a 164.Linda’s last game was riddled with spares and four open frames fora final 142. As Bowler of the Week, she had the most over-averageseries by 53 pins and helped the Paints take two team scratchhonors.
The Guttersnipes played scratch against the Rockettes. SnipeCathy Driscoll had a double strike in the first game for a 119.Captain Sue Warner opened with a poult, had a good foundation andwas a pin shy of a turkey in the tenth for a 164. Rockette FayRodriguez-Walker had double strikes and spares for a 124. CopyingSue, Nichole Thomas had a good foundation followed by 2 strikes,but she brought in a 153. Sue kept the pins falling with three openframes in the second game for a 170. The rest of the Snipes took abreather while the Rockettes played it dangerously close and beatthem by only 9 pins. Cathy lit a fire under her team with a stringof 4 spares for a 138. Sue played it up with a poult for a 140.Mary Ellen Gran had double strikes and spares for a 153. Fay satout the last game due to injury and sat back as the˔Ettes rocked out. Lynn Kay Winters had a poult for a132 and Nichole had only three open frames for a 156 and a Rockettehat trick.
The Fabulous Five had to give Spare Us 4 marks and ended upgiving them 11 points as well. Fab Donna Cass had 4 spares to startthe first game with a 138, while Jackie Brewer had three openframes for a 166. Spare Ellie Labrozzi had a poult and three openframes for a 157. Sue Klenawicus one upped her with 4 spares andtwo open for a 179. Jackie and Donna were twins in the second gamewith 125s, while Essie Simovich opened three frames for a 159.Momma P. raised her average with a great foundation for a 104. LizLechmanski missed the first game, but made up for it with a Dutchset for a 118 in the second. Spare Us took that game by only 4pins. Donna and Jackie were twins again in the third game. Donnapulled a poult and Jackie had double strikes and spares for 137s.Ellie went Dutch at the end of her set for a 149 and Sue had apoult and two open frames for a 167.
Paint by Numbers had to give the Odd Balls 5 marks and 3 points.The Odd Balls started slow and had a hard time making their averagein the first game. Paint Ginny Gibbs had a Shelter Island scorewith a 114. Pam Jackson had two open frames and ended Dutch for a166. Odd Ball Linda McCarthy had a poult for a 112 and KellyMichalak was right there with her with a 128. Pam bested herselfwith three open frames for a 167 and another PbN win. The Paintsthrew the Odd Balls a bone in the third game. OB Linda had doublespares for a 117 while Kelly had three open frames with 4 spares ina row for a 159 and the win.
I’d just like to take the time to acknowledge the fact thatErica Tome has been reunited with her Lucky Strikes and they wereall present for the first time in a very long time. Now thequestion is are you feeling Lucky Erica?
Brick Laying Babe Tracy Gibbs had three open frames for a 159 inthe first game. Lucky Katherine Birch and Melina Wein were twinswith 119s. Julie Fanelli made half her marks for a 126. Katherinehad double spares in the second game for a 121, but Babes LauraMarcello and Tracy took charge. Laura had double spares for a 135and Tracy went Dutch with two open frames for a 168 and a Babe win.Dara Clark bagged a poult and was 1 pin shy of a strike out in thetenth for a 131. Tracy was following with double spares flanked bystrikes for a 146. Erica was, in fact, feeling Lucky with a pair ofspares for a 126 to lead her team to victory. Alison Bevilacqua wasright behind her with her own spares and a 124. Julie was not farbehind with her average 106.
Guttersnipes 118.5 79.5
Rockettes 113.5 84.5
Paint by Numbers 112.0 86.0
Brick Laying Babes 110.0 88.0
Spare Us 107.0 91.0
Fabulous Five 94.0 104.0
Lucky Strikes 77.0 121.0
Odd Balls 60.0 138.0