Substitute teacher protocol explained
Superintendent Sharon Clifford (right) explains the school’s system for calling in substitute teachers. Assistant Superintendent Donna Guiffre is at left.
When a substitute teacher is needed, how does the schooladministration decide which one to call?
That question and student trips were the subject of discussionat the School Board’s February 8 meeting.
“We endeavour to put a certified teacher in every classroom,said Superintendent Sharon Clifford. When the times comes to lookfor a substitutute, School Secretary Jacki Dunning “starts at thetop of the list of certified teachers and calls those people first,Ms. Clifford said. “If she still has openings, she calls thosepeople with a four-year degree and goes down the list.
Board President Rebecca Mundy added that the list is compiledthrough seniority – those with the most time in the district areplaced at the beginning.
Ms. Mundy said that the board is drafting a policy for callingin substitute teachers.
Ms. Dunning noted that the board is considering implementing anevaluation form for teachers to assess a substitute’s performance.There are 11 certified teachers at the top of the list, shesaid.
Middle School social studies teacher Robert Barber and parentJames Olinkiewicz proposed plans for a 9th grade overnight trip toWashington D.C. on May 5 and 6. It would include guided tours ofthe White House and the Capitol building, as well as visits to theAir and Space Museum, the Museum of Natural History and the Libraryof Congress, among other destinations.
Each of the 25 students will pay $80 towards the cost of thetrip, which will be $6,255 to $6,500 depending on which hotel isbooked. The remaining cost will be covered through donations andfundraising activities. The students would leave by bus on thefirst ferry, Friday morning, May 5, and return Saturdayevening.
“I think it’s long overdue for a Washington D.C. trip, said Mr.Barber. “It’s been a long time. The board agreed, saying it wouldbe the first class trip to D.C. in decades.
“I think it sounds awesome ¦ it’s a greatopportunity, commented Ms. Mundy. Chaperones will include Mr.Barber, Mr. Olinkiewicz, board member Thomas Graffagnino, and twofemale chaperones – Mr. Barber mentioned that Nurse Mary Kanarvogelhad expressed interest.
The board approved the trip, and Mr. Barber suggested that itcould become an annual event that the school could budget for inthe future.
Sailing Coach Peter Needham requested approval for a weekendSailing Club trip to Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginiafor the District Championships on April 17 and 18. The team willhave to first qualify for the Championships at a March 20 regatta.Six students and two parents, including Mr. Needham, would fly toVirginia Friday afternoon, April 16, and return Sunday evening.
Mr. Needham hopes that a student-run fundraiser will raiseapproximately $200, and said that the rest of the total $2,548 costof the trip will be paid for by those attending. The board approvedthe trip.
Ms. Audrey Petersen received final approval from the board forthe dates of the senior class trip to the Bahamas, leaving May 22and returning May 29.
Appointed Cara Cass as an unpaid volunteer for the ShelterIsland Junior High School girls basketball program for the 2010season.
Accepted the resignation of Sharon Gibbs as 12th grade advisor,effective February 12.
Appointed Mark Palios as 10th grade advisor at a rate of $646prorated.
Accepted the resignation of Matthew Rhode from the position ofJV boys’ baseball coach.
Approved Frank Emmett from step 18 MA plus 60 to step 18 MA plus75/PhD and Laura Leever from Step 13 MA plus 45 to Step 13 MA plus60.
Rescinded the appointment of Peter Miedema and named RobinAnderson to provide six hours of home instruction for $57.06 perhour during the 2010-2011 school year.
Approved a contract with the State University of New York atStony Brook for the Young American Writers Project for $5,400 to bepaid through a donation from the Shelter Island EducationalFoundation.
Approved a consulting contract with Amanda Clark for no morethan $1,500, to be paid for through a donation by sailing CoachPeter Needham.
Approved a contract with CJI Consulting of Baiting Hollow for upto $2,400 to help complete Special Education forms for the SchoolDistrict Review so that the school receives its entitled aid forSpecial Education expenditures.
Appointed the following to the Shared Decision Making Team:Frank Emmett, Laura Leever, Phyllis Power, Jen Rylott, MelanieMatz, Liz Melichar-Lechmanski, Linda Eklund, Elizabeth Eklund andDavid Draper.
Approved the amended Shared Decision Making Plan, to include twocommunity members instead of one, and staggered expirations ofmembers’ terms to facilitate transition from one year’s team toanother.
Approved the date of Saturday, June 25, 2011 for graduation.
Approved recommendations from Committees on Special Educationand Preschool Special Education.
Deleted old policy: Suspected Child Abuse and MaltreatmentRegulation.
Accepted a donation of $2,600 from the Shelter IslandEducational Foundation to be used towards the purchase of materialsand supplies for the Sailing Club for the remainder of the2010-2011 school year.
Accepted the budget transfers report for December 29, 2009through February 4, 2010.
Approved an increase to the budget line of unemploymentinsurance in the amount of $5,617.07 to be offset by theUnemployment Insurance Reserve pursuant to General Municipal LawSection 6-M.