
Valentines memory

To the Editor:

I have just seen the digital version of last week’s Reporter cover of the Around the Island section, which featured three Valentine’s Day cards from the Historical Society’s archives. I thought you might like to know that I donated the cards to the Historical Society. They may have been given either to my sister, Jean Dickerson, or to me. I think we were in the 3rd grade with Mrs. Harold Crowell at the time — around 1948.

Ruth Ann was indeed the Ruth Ann Dickens mentioned in the caption and we had two boys named Charles in that grade — Charles Dickens and Charles Schweinsburg, always called Bobby. There was another Bobby also — Robert Gulluscio — so the “Bobby” referred to in the caption could have been Bobby Schweinsburg or Bobby Gulluscio. I think the card giver was probably Bobby Schweinsburg, however.

What fun to see the pictures of the cards. I really enjoy the items based on material found in the Historical Society and I’m pleased that they are accessible in the digital version, if not on the website version.