Refutes Wein letter
To the Editor:
After reading Marc Wein’s response to my family’s letter addressing his application for a change of use permit, he left me no recourse but to respond. I was disappointed to find that he has decided to make the issue of the irreversible loss of the luncheonette a personal one.
No one in my family spoke to Mr. Wein about the luncheonette over the summer, except for the one instance he refers to when he says: “On one occasion I spent a very pleasant two hours with Steve Kessler.” Those two hours were during a game of golf in which we ended up in the same foursome by accident. Mr. Wein wasted no time to press his campaign about why he had problems converting the luncheonette to a viable business.
I listened politely, asking a few questions to clarify some issues and sympathizing with his dilemma. But his statement that I said: “I can assure you that my family will not interfere this time around” is simply untrue. I said nothing of the kind.
I am surprised and disappointed at the misrepresentation Mr. Wein made in his letter published in last week’s Reporter. I am frustrated and angered by his attempt to put words in my mouth. For this reason, I am setting the record straight. However, I am most disappointed that attention is being deflected away from the true issues at stake — the value of the luncheonette to the Island community and the effort that should be taken to find an educated and energetic buyer.
If my family are the only four people on Shelter Island who care about the luncheonette, then, by all means, the Town Board should approve his application. But, if there are others who believe that this luncheonette is a staple of this community and should not be irrevocably lost to it, then we urge the Town Board to listen to a chorus of voices speaking up in favor of a long-time Island establishment.