February: Snow and ice boating
Snow — and a record amount in December — over 2 feet. Then 3 inches in January and 14 inches in February. I know most folks feel we have had enough. I wonder if the young folk feel that way? Yes, there was a day of ice boating. March can give us ample snow if it wants to. We will have to wait and see.
The warmest days in February were 46 degrees on the 22nd, the 25, and the 26th. The coldest nights were 16 degrees on the 2nd and 7th. The coldest day was February 1 when it rose to only 28. It was 32 degrees or above on every day but four. It was freezing or lower on every night but four. Measurable precipitation fell on nine days. From the 23rd to the 27th, rain or snow fell every day. The heaviest rain on one day was 2.15 inches on the 24th. The greatest snow was 7.5 inches on the 10th. Total snow for February was 14 inches. Total precipitation was 7.01 inches. Measurable snow was on the ground for 12 days.
Even though there was much rain and snow this month, our winds were mainly from the northwest. The winds normally should have been out of the northeast. However, such is weather.
Now that February is over, can we look forward to a March with lots of snow? As a result of a blizzard of March 12, 13 and 14 some years ago, remains of snowdrifts in sheltered or protected areas on our island’s west end were still on the ground the first week of June! Such was the severity of the three-day storm.
With the extremely slow process of global warming, I feel sure we shall have a mild March.
March has always been a windy month. It is better to wait until April to fly your kite. Yes, I know, because I was once a kid. Most kites were wrecked by the time I climbed the tree to get that tangled cord and paper kite on the ground. All were homemade or from a design in Dan Beard’s books. Interested? Look them up in one of his scouting books. The best was a Broomstraw Flying Machine, with thread, on a 3-mph day (with care!) in the month of May or June.
Our wind in February was from the northwest on 16 days. Strongest were winds 45 mph on the 23rd. Recorded were 8 clear, 6 partly cloudy and 14 cloudy days. Nice weather is coming. Keep your weather eye open for the return of the osprey and early birds. Spring is coming!