
Clean up that medicine chest

Prescription and over-the-counter medications can be a problem if they get flushed into the Island’s aquifer or abused by young people looking for a convenient high. A joint effort by the Town of Shelter Island Police Department, Water Advisory Committee and the Shelter Island School offers residents information on the issue and convenient venues for disposing of unneeded medications.

School nurse Mary Kanarvogel and Shelter Island Police Officer Walter Richards will be collecting medications throughout the day on Friday, March 19 and will be hosting a video on the dangers of household medications to youth at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium.

Medications will be collected on school grounds at the beginning and end of the school day at pick-up and drop-off areas — the gym doors, the bus stop at the lobby entrance and at the school crosswalk on Route 114. Senior citizens may bring in medications during the Nutrition Program’s Dinner Bell luncheon at the Presbyterian Church on Friday. And parents and community members can dispose of medications when they attend the video presentation in the auditorium that evening.

On Saturday, March 20, residents can bring medications to the Police Station for disposal from 10 a.m. until noon.

Ms. Kanarvogel advises residents to cross out names on any prescription medication to protect privacy. She said that the medications can be prescription or over-the-counter, expired or not expired, liquid or solid tablets.