On health care, et al.
To the Editor:
Congressman Tim Bishop issued an e-newsletter on health care reform last week. He has a lot of good points, but there will still be mega bucks spent — more money that this country does not have. I sent the following reply to Tim. I really need to thank him for sending his e-newsletter, as I have taken pen in hand or rather sat down at the computer several times to wing out a letter regarding all of the “stuff” going on. Last week’s ABC fiasco really screamed, another “Pay More Get Less!” situation, and I just did not know where to start. He gave me a lead in. Thanks Tim.
“Please do not let us spend any more money until the economy has recovered. I hear you on Blue Cross; we have it. The negotiations with ELIH and Peconic Health Care are still on-going. Personal friends have been affected by this situation with a hold-up on needed surgeries.
“Fix the problem with more scrutiny on costs and unnecessary charges.
“The Peconic Transit … No! More money will be spent needlessly. Come to some kind of compromise with MTA, so there is a win-win situation. Tired of spending more and getting less. This is exactly what is happening now.
“And Orient State Park … Please save it! Call ex-Governor Carey for advice on this, he is an expert.
“Want to stimulate the economy? Put a moratorium on capital gains — see how fast people will sell big homes for small homes and vise versa. Along with that comes the new carpets, the new appliances, the help of the service people.
“You were elected to serve the people, not make them nuts!”