
A letter from the Democratic National Convention

Good day Shelter Island,

It’s been hard to find time to sit down and write a few notes on the Democratic Convention. It’s been a very full schedule and the weather hasn’t been behaving.

Monday, Labor Day, was celebrated in Charlotte with Carolina Fest 2012. Streets were filled with vendors, food and music. It was very hot and humid and when Jeff Bridges (think Crazy Heart), played on the Main Stage, an enormous downpour cut it short. Jeff kept on playing and the wet crowd stood in the rain, while his brother Beau joined him until the thunder and lightning scattered us all. When James Taylor came on later, the rain did it again, but not before he sang “Fire and Rain.”

Tuesday was Caucus Day and I went to the Women’s Caucus. The lineup included Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, Ashley Judd and many others.

What brought down the house was political strategist Donna Brazile. What a great speaker. The theme was that “being a woman was not a pre-existing condition” and that “2012 is Personal.”

Tuesday evening was the official opening of the convention. The room was packed with delegates and speaker after speaker underscored the need to protect the middle class and to continue moving forward.

Of course, the crowning moment was when Michelle Obama spoke. I’m sure everyone has been watching the coverage back home.

Today is Wednesday and tonight Bill Clinton will be speaking with many others. The delegates are fired up and ready to go. It’s a wonderfully diverse crowd and I hope to sit down tomorrow and give you another update.

Until then,

Editor’s Note: Heather Reylek is the chairwoman of the Shelter Island Democratic Party. She was selected by Congressman Tim Bishop to serve as a delegate at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C.