Political group gets organized in the Center
The Larouche Political Action Committee, a political fringe organization, set up shop Tuesday morning on the sidewalk between the Center Post Office and Schmidt’s Market.
Two people from the LPAC, Frank Mathis and Margaret Scialdone, were organizing a stand of photographs, posters and political tracts at about 10:30 a.m. They had received permission from the Shelter Island Police Department to put up tables and posters and solicit people to their point of view, Ms. Scialdone said.
Neither Mr. Mathis or Ms. Scialdone are Shelter Island residents.
Ms. Scialdone compared President Obama to Roman Emperor Nero, saying the president’s administration is “far worse. We’re experiencing the greatest economic collapse in world history.”
The president was taking advantage of the Congressional recess to begin “planning World War III,” Ms. Scialdone said. “People are freaked out.”
Both political parties are to blame for a crisis in American life, she added. “We’re saying crush the party system and vote your conscience,” she said.
Asked if a LPAC poster that pictured the president with a toothbrush moustache was comparing Mr. Obama to Adolf Hitler, Ms. Scialdone said, “Absolutely.”