Reporter Letters to the Editor

Referendum not suitable
To the Editor:
According to a recent issue of the Reporter (“Brown: Let’s talk 4-poster referendum,” May 1) our leaders are suggesting a referendum and bond issue to address the problem of tick control.
Referendums are a very important part of a democratic society, often used to measure the feelings of the electorate regarding important social issues such as gay marriage and limitations on the power of the government over the private affairs of individual citizens.
Referendums are not suitable to address public health problems that consume less than one percent of the town’s budget.
Well-managed municipalities issue bonds to fund the construction of schools, bridges and highways that have a lifetime of 20 to 30 years. Issuing long-term debt to purchase corn to feed the deer herd is clearly inappropriate.
It is quite apparent that our leaders are incapable of properly managing the fiscal affairs of the town. It is time to consider hiring a full-time professional town manager to run the Highway Department and manage the town’s financial affairs.
Indeed there should be a referendum to change the governance of the town, enabling us to retain such professional management. That is what referendums are for.
The taxpayers deserve better fiscal management.
Shelter Island
Save the date
To the Editor:
We want to invite all friends of Mickey Behrke to a party given in her memory on Sunday, June 8, 12 to 4 p.m. at 26 Little Ram Island Drive. Hope to see you there.
P.S. Don’t bring anything but yourselves.
Shelter Island
Pink season
To the Editor:
As a reminder to all our friends and neighbors who have a “pink ribbon,” if you have not yet displayed it for May Mammogram Awareness Month, please place it near the road at your home or place of business. Then take it down June 1 and put it up again on October 1 for Breast Cancer Awareness month. Awareness and screening are the keys to survival of this dreadful disease.
Remind your friends and family to get screened for breast cancer and make sure they are aware of their “breast density.” Breast density is an important thing to be aware of when it comes to accuracy of mammograms, since mammograms have much difficulty seeing cancer in dense tissue. Often an ultrasound or sonogram are better tools in detecting tumors in dense tissue.
Make it a point to know your density by asking your doctor.
If you do not have a ribbon and would like one, please call me at 749-1662 and I will get you one to display. The ribbons were all made by Mr. Reardon’s Shelter Island High School shop class with wood donated by Riverhead Building Supply and painted by survivors, spouses and other volunteers.
Shelter Island