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Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor


Willful ignorance

To the Editor:
In addition to having the Zoning Board of Appeals conduct a hearing on the JBS mini-storage, the Town Board should investigate how the building permit process allowed a permit to be granted for such a large building on a non-conforming lot.

The officer who issued the permit should be called to answer questions as to how this permit was allowed without any input from the town attorney. It is possible that outside judicial review should take a look to see if laws were violated. As for the other participant, who carefully reviewed what was granted to Gulluscio Storage for parking, but didn’t know how high a side yard fence could be built, I have little sympathy.

To be clear, the lot is not a conforming B zone lot. If divided from its C zone section it would be undersized. Any use for business would be subject to Town Board review. Because the lot is undersized the project should as well be in proportion to the reduced size. Having mixed use of living (rental) space and now a huge warehouse taking away the open space for the residence, starts to create ghetto-like conditions.

The burden of buying the building and setting the foundation should not sway the ZBA from denial of a variance as the owner JBS showed willful ignorance to his application.
Shelter Island

St. Gabe’s

To the Editor:
Will you please join our efforts to save the St. Gabe’s Chapel? We have just a few weeks left.
Our family believes strongly in giving back to the community. Aunt Frances Klenawicus was married in the Chapel in 1965, to Lt. Colonel Leo Johnson.

Ever attend the Shelter Island Fire Department’s Chicken BBQ in August? It all started over 52 years ago with Dave’s uncle Frank Klenawicus and Bill Springer. Ever watch a seriously injured Islander safely airlifted to Stonybrook University Hospital from Klenawicus Airfield?  The airfield was founded by Dave’s father, Joseph Klenawicus Sr., and uncle Frank Klenawicus.

Dave and I have both cheated death — I survived the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the 73rd floor of 2 World Trade Center. Dave survived a catastrophic automobile accident in Sag Harbor in 1978. It’s 2016. We think the St. Gabe’s Chapel deserves a second chance at life, too.

For your 100 percent tax deductible contribution, please mail your check to O’Hagan/Klen, P.O. Box 244, Shelter Island Heights, NY 11965. The check should be made out to: “The Town of Shelter Island” with “Save St. Gabe’s Chapel” in the memo line. Call us or email us at any time: 917-647-7518, [email protected] with your questions. Visit us on Facebook: Save St. Gabe’s Chapel, Shelter Island, and gofundme.com/savethestgabeschapelshelterisland.

Lastly, we need 45 cubic yards of concrete donated to the project. Do you know anyone who might help us with this request? Great cause, to save Island history forever. Many thanks!
Shelter Island

What’s next?

To the Editor:
In the past few weeks we have heard via the Reporter that Councilman Paul Shepherd does not want to “pee all over” the Dear and Tick Committee while residents in the Center are “PO’d” at the P.O.
I guess we are really now into the silly season. What is next? A moratorium on “BS” in politics?
Shelter Island