Shelter Island Library: Be tick aware

The experts agree, this is a banner year for tick populations on the East End. And with ticks comes not just Lyme Disease, but a whole host of tick borne ailments and illnesses such as babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and the alpha-gal red meat allergy, which comes specifically from the Lone Star Tick.
On Wednesday, July 19 at 6 p.m., Anna-Marie Wellins, DNP, from Southampton Hospital’s Tick-Borne Disease Resource Center, will come to Shelter Island to explain how residents and visitors alike can prevent these serious illnesses.
The mission of the Tick-Borne Disease Resource Center is to educate the public, promote collaboration in the medical community, and facilitate access to diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases.
The center offers a “help line” for callers seeking advice, information and medical care. It also distributes free Tick Kits contain ing everything you need to be prepared for tick bites — pointy tweezers, magnifier, first-aid supplies, and Tick ID Card — all packaged in a pouch you can hang on your backpack or put in your pocket. These kits are free to the public. Request a Tick Kit by contacting [email protected] or calling (631) 726-TICK.