Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor
Action now on environment
To the Editor:
The front page news story in the October 5 Suffolk Times about local algae blooms seemed quite relevant to Shelter Island in many ways. The map that accompanied the story, showing numerous impacted areas (including perhaps three quarters of our shoreline) made the article even more meaningful. Not shown was Fresh Pond, which has certainly been affected and has received some attention.
Noticeable changes have also occurred in Ice Pond, as well as the pond near Crescent Beach and some of our other creeks and harbors. Unfortunately, some these seem to have gone almost unnoticed, even locally.
As a town we have begun to address such problems through a variety of efforts, but it seems like funding and awareness continue to be a concern. We should all keep in mind that our environment is perhaps our greatest asset, both naturally and economically. Directly or indirectly it feeds us all; it is the underlying basis for our economy and well being. As our surface waters are impacted, so too is our aquifer.
Continued leadership, education, and appropriate legislation are necessary to protect all these interconnected resources, without delay. Perhaps it is time to implement some comprehensive, long-term strategic planning sessions, focusing on this and other environmental and community topics, as well. In the long run, incurring some costs now could prove to be a wise choice and certainly money well spent.
With local elections coming soon, let’s ask our candidates to speak to these issues in depth. Maybe a synopsis of these matters in the Reporter would be beneficial, along with a copy of that map showing wide spread algae problem areas which would add emphasis.
This is also an opportunity to get a student or two from the school’s science classes and clubs involved as interns and do some periodic studies and testing, or perhaps some related art work or writing. This is certainly an area where an interdisciplinary approach is quite advantageous, and all members of our community can participate to some degree.
What actions we take now, or avoid facing, will have the most significant consequences in the years to come.
Shelter Island
Bravo, Itzhak
To the Editor:
Could Shelter Island be more proud of our famous resident?
Opening as the premier film of the current Hampton’s Film Festival, “ITZHAK” is an amazing documentary of the life of this great man. Very inspirational, moving and humorous! It was wonderful to attend opening night as part of the Shelter Island contingent.
Director Alison Chernick’s passionate documentary made us all leave Guild Hall joyful and very blessed.
Bravo, Itzhak!
Shelter Island
Thanks from the GOP
To the Editor:
On behalf of the Shelter Island Republican Committee and our candidates; Gary Gerth, Amber Brach-Williams, Marcus Kaasik, Jay Card, Dorothy Ogar, Patricia Castoldi and Craig Wood, we would like to thank everybody who attended the 2017 Candidate Forum on Sunday, October 8.
We would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to The Shelter Island League of Women Voters, the Shelter Island Association and to everybody who worked so hard to make this event a success.
The Island faces many challenges, both new and old, and we believe our candidates have the skill, experience and desire to make real changes that our community so desperately needs. If at any time, between now and Election Day, you would like to discuss the issues or would like to share your vision for our Island’s future, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions and concerns.
We can be reached at [email protected],, through Facebook or by just tapping one of us on the shoulder around the Island. We all want what is best for our community and for our children and seniors. Please don’t forget to vote on November 7.
Thank you.
Chairman, The Shelter Island Republican Committee
Save the turtles
To the Editor:
It is extremely disturbing to me that there are turtles being caught accidentally in crab traps.
How many die this way is not known, but considering the number of traps around Shelter Island, there is the possibility of large numbers (hopefully not). Evidently, there is a simple device that can be attached to trap entrances that allow crabs to enter, but not turtles.
It is called a TED, a turtle excluder device, and costs very little to make. Unfortunately, I know of no place that sells them locally, but information is available on a website — — on how to make them.
Perhaps the town could make these devices available free of charge to allow our crabbers to do their part. I know that they’d rather not have to deal with dead turtles if given a choice.
Shelter Island
To the Editor:
Kudos to the League of Women Voters and the Shelter Island Association for their candidates forum, which, as usual, was excellent.
Now, just vote for the candidate of your choice!
Last weekend was like a fireworks display, the grand finale to Summer of 2017, and I know all of the events are being well reported in this newspaper as the “paparazzi” was on the move.
My motto, as some of you know, is, “There is no place in the world where you can be so well entertained for free, like Shelter Island!”
Shelter Island
Friends of Library Week
To the Editor:
October 15 marks the start of National Friends of Libraries Week. This offers us the perfect opportunity to acknowledge the invaluable work that this group of library lovers does in support of our mission.
Most Shelter Islanders know that the Friends sponsor the annual Turkey Plunge and the Holiday Craft Fair but there is much more that they do. The Friends have generously funded resources and materials not covered by the library’s annual operating budget. That includes cultural and educational programs for all ages, renovations and more. In addition, they have been excellent advocates and fund raisers.
We’d like to especially thank Chairperson Mary Ellen McGayhey, Vice-Chairperson Tracy McCarthy, Treasurer Marian Brownlie, Secretary Susan King and Investment Chair William Seeberg for their efforts.
On behalf of myself, our staff and the Board of Trustees, a great big “Thank You” to all of the Friends.
Director, Shelter Island Public Library