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Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor


An honor
To the Editor:
I would like to thank the Shelter Island Board of Education, the school administration, my coaches, teammates, family and friends who supported me in my high school basketball career.

It is an honor to have my jersey number retired (“Tristan’s triumph,” January 11). I look forward to seeing and supporting the next retiree.
Shelter Island

A special celebration
To the Editor:
We would like to thank all those who supported Tristan in his love of basketball and his goal of playing on the college level.

It was truly an honor to be a part of such a special celebration.
Shelter Island

Cablevision re-run
To the Editor:
I’d like to thank Scott Robbins and Jack Kiffer for their support of my criticism of Optimum Cable and its practices (“Your letters,” January 25).

I also thank the many who called me to express their support.

When I discovered I have paid over $10,000 in box “rentals” since I started with Cablevision in 1998, I wrote to them asking them to do one of three things. Either stop charging me rental fees on my boxes going forward; or give me a credit for my past payments of exorbitant rental fees on the boxes going forward; or allow me to purchase boxes that would allow me to stop paying rental fees indefinitely on these boxes.

I received a written response from an Optimum representative who said they were sorry, but they could not do anything to help me. No surprise, given their track record with their customers.

I again ask our Town Board to form a committee of Optimum customers to help negotiate the new contract with Optimum that comes due this year. I believe we need someone negotiating with Optimum who is interested in more than how much the town coffers are increased by Optimum’s token payment.

The negotiators should be more concerned about the costs, fees and service to customers who are feeling ripped off.
Shelter Island