Shelter Island By the Numbers

Shelter Island students who participated in Wednesday morning’s teach-in marking the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Florida shootings.
Performances of the Shelter Island School spring musical, ‘Nice Work If You Can Get It,’ running March 22-25.
Dollars anticipated to be available for road maintenance this spring with funds coming from the town budget allocation for 2018, reimbursements from grants previously approved and money the state distributes to municipalities for road work
Dollars raised March 3 at the 18th Annual Cheryl Hannabury Memorial Celebration of Life at the Ram’s Head Inn to benefit the Gift of Life Foundation.
Ton crane that lifted a modular house onto a South Ferry boat Sunday for the crossing from North Haven to Shelter Island.
Pounds of corned beef will be prepared by Fred Ogar and his crew for Saturday’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner at American Legion Mitchell Post 281 in partnership with Our Lady of the Isle Church.