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Island National Honor Society raises funds and food

The Shelter Island National Honor Society (NHS) collected over 500 items and $40 during their Souper Bowl of Caring food drive competition. In a competition with Odd Grades pitted against Even Grades, the Odd team was victorious.

The true winner, however, was the local food pantry. On Wednesday afternoon members of the NHS delivered boxes and stocked the store room with much needed supplies. “This year there are 3,598 groups across the country and together we have collected a total of $816,8431 in food items and cash donations,” said Janine Mahoney, NHS advisor.

Tyler Gulluscio and Bradley Batten unpack the goods.

According to souperbowl.org, so far in 2019, Souper Bowl has worked with 3,906 participating groups to collect $8,552,686 in cash and food items of which 100 percent was donated to charities in the groups’ areas. The Souper Bowl’s vision statement is to transform the time around the Super Bowl into the nation’s largest celebration of giving and serving.

Nick Labrozzi, Henry Binder and Audrey Wood sort supplies.