Basketball game helps deliver message of celebration
Stars engage students in fun assembly
When Shelter Island School hosted a special assembly on Friday, Oct. 4, featuring the ESPN Drug Free All Stars, the word from students was “Best Assembly EVER!” according to teacher Janine Mahoney.
Alum Matthew Dunning described it as, “Electric! The highlight was Bazzy Quigley-Dunning making the 3 pointer.” Coach Greg Puckett said the ESPN Drug Free All-Stars’ goal is simple: “Combine the universal sport of basketball with a universal message of making good choices and staying away from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.”
Charter member Chris Nichols added, “To be able to show kids that they can have fun, goof off, compete, laugh, and celebrate life is a joy beyond joy. Sometimes these kids just need to know that someone out there cares about them and their family, no matter what that family looks like. And if they don’t have joy in their lives, then it’s our duty to provide them that. Trust me, there is not enough joy in this world today.”
The Shelter Island All-Star team was composed of high school seniors Lucas Quigley-Dunning, Dan Martin, Walter Richards, Luke Lowell- Liszanckie, Keith Taplin, Audrey Woods, Alumni Matthew Dunning and Stacey Clark, and staff members Brian Springer, Chris Goehring and Jose Montalvo. This assembly was brought to the school by the local organization HUGS. Human Understanding & Growth Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides individuals, families, schools, and communities with prevention education strategies aimed at reducing high-risk behaviors among youth while fostering positive attitudes to improve all areas of life.