What’s happening: Nov. 21, 2019

The Shelter Island Library presents an intermediate French conversation class on Thursday, Nov. 21, at 11 a.m. facilitated by Alix Shearer and Elisabeth Heimann.
Shelter Island Rec hosts the “Out to Lunch Bunch” at Cittanuova on Thursday, Nov. 21, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. for ages 60 and up. Take a break from Island life and enjoy lunch while visiting restaurants off Shelter Island. Space is limited so sign up early. Must be able to step in and out of the van. Register with Bethany Ortmann at 631-749-0309. Van will depart from Shelter Island Legion Hall. Fee: $6/$7 nonresidents plus your individual lunch cost.
The Shelter Island Library presents Shakespeare in the Community: Cymbeline on Saturday, Nov. 23, at 12:30 p.m. Set in ancient Britain, Cymbeline is filled with hidden identities, elaborate schemes and violent acts. Writer Becky Cole leads the discussion. New members are welcome. Check out a copy of the play at the circulation desk.
The Shelter Island Library presents the Mystery Monday Book Club discussing “A Place of Execution” by Val McDermid on Monday, Nov. 25, at 5 p.m. On a freezing day in Dec. 1963, 13-year-old Alison Carter vanishes from her rural village. For the young George Bennett, a newly promoted inspector, it is the beginning of his most difficult and harrowing case. This taut psychological thriller won a number of awards.
Our Lady of the Isle hosts the Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Word Service on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 7 p.m. All are welcome.
The Shelter Island Lions Club is hosting a community Thanksgiving dinner open to all families on Thursday, Nov. 28, at 2 p.m. in the Shelter Island Presbyterian Church’s Fellowship Hall. Guests are welcome to bring a dish to share or help with the evening. The Lions Club is providing turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. Rides to the dinner can be arranged if set up in advance and meals can be sent to anyone who cannot leave their home due to an illness or disability. Details: Mary Kanarvogel, 631-749-1678.
Mashomack Preserve offers family fun “Reptiles: A live animal presentation” on Friday, Nov. 29, at 1 p.m. Lizards and turtles and snakes, oh my! A Quogue Wildlife Refuge naturalist will entertain and amaze you with facts about the very cool adaptations that reptiles need to survive. Close-up views guaranteed. Rain or shine.
The Friends of the Shelter Island Library presents the 10th annual Turkey Plunge on Saturday, Nov. 30, at 11 a.m. at Crescent Beach. The plunge takes place rain or shine. Register in person at the library or online at turkeyplunge.bpt.me. Admission: $25 prior to the 30th, $30 on the day of the plunge.
Shelter Island Recreation hosts its “NYC Do As You Please Trip” for a trip to New York City on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Guests will be driven by bus to NYC where you will be on your own to explore. Go shopping, tour a museum — just make sure to meet back at the bus to catch the ride home. Meet at South Ferry-North Haven, bus leaves at 7:15 a.m. For ages 18 years and over. Fee: $30, resident; $40, non resident.
The annual Friends of the Library Craft Fair takes place on Saturday, Dec. 7, at the library from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Shelter Island Recreation Center presents its Polar Express pajama party on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the Youth Center. Wear your pajamas and join us to watch the “Polar Express.” Guests will enjoy cocoa and cookies afterward. A holiday photo corner will be set up so be sure to bring your camera. Open to families. Fee: $5 per family.
Sylvester Manor presents its 67th annual Holiday Tea & Tree on Sunday, Dec. 8 from noon to 3 p.m. at the Manor House. Inspired by holiday traditions begun by Alice and Andrew Fiske, the 67th Annual Tea & Tree is a celebration where the manor expresses its gratitude to the members, donors, volunteers and sponsors who have supported us throughout the year. 631-749-0626, sylvestermanor.org.
The Shelter Island Historical Society presents its annual holiday party at Havens Barn on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 5 to 7 p.m. Guests are invited to celebrate the beauty and happiness of the holiday season and relax with friends and neighbors while enjoying holiday refreshments, delicious hors d’oeuvres and lovely live music. Suggested Donation: $50 per person. To receive an invitation, please make a donation at shelterislandhistorical.org/becomeadonor by Dec. 4.