The Reporter’s feature letter of the week

Enforce the law
To the Editor:
The police blotter in the Reporter’s Dec. 5 edition mentions a report of loud music on Nov. 30: “The residence owners said the band playing on the porch would be finished at 1 a.m. Police responded to another call at about 1:15 a.m. and owners had the band stop when police arrived for a second time.”
So, here are my questions:
1) Why did the police give permission for the music to continue to 1 a.m. when noise regulations on this island specify an 11 p.m. deadline and a complaint had already been lodged?
2) Why did I — yep, it was my call — have to complain again at 1:15 and wait until nearly 1:30 for the noise to finally end? I called the first time around 12:30 a.m. after hanging on to the hope that the wall-shaking BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM would surely end.
For the past several years, I have hosted a large Thanksgiving celebration for three generations of extended family from the east and west coasts and pack them all into my own house as well as the one next door, rented for the occasion.
Off-season Shelter Island is the perfect location for such a retreat: so beautiful, so peaceful …
I fail to understand why the police were so generous with the noise-makers at the expense of those of us who were expecting our mandated peace and quiet in this residential neighborhood.
Lois B. Morris
Shelter Island