
A time for peace

The spring moveable feasts of two of the world’s great religions, Easter and Passover, have arrived close together this weekend.

One commemorates resurrection and renewal; the other celebrates the principle of forging ahead from bondage into freedom through the powers of community, faith and justice.

These concepts are so deep within most of us that we often can’t give words to them, but are as present as our appreciation of the changing seasonal light and trees in bud.

Hebrew scholars have identified three things, among others, that keep civilization progressing — truth, justice and peace, with the latter seeming to take the top spot in affording us the possibility of becoming better.

Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, asked us to remember that “blessed are the peacemakers.”

On this spring weekend, no matter our religion, or if we have none, we should take comfort in what we have, whom we love, and hope for peace in our community, in our country and within ourselves.